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October 1, 2022

High quality tomato paste sachet

high quality tomato paste sachet Sachets are small packages that are used once and due to their design and suitable size, they have various uses. These […]
August 29, 2022
چی چی لاس

Exporting the best canned tomato paste

Export the best canned tomato paste  As you know, tomato paste plays a very important role in the flavor and color of food, and all consumers […]
October 4, 2021

Distribution Chi Chi Las tomato paste with production price

Distribution Chi Chi Las tomato paste with production price Tomato paste is one of the raw materials needed to cook a variety of foods and stews. […]
September 15, 2021

Export of the best Aseptic tomato paste

Export of the best Aseptic tomato paste The export of the best Aseptic tomato paste is produced by a food industry company, Khazar Osare Varna with […]
August 28, 2021

Tomato paste tin can 800 gr. Chi Chi Las

Tomato paste tin can 800 gr. Chi Chi Las Tomato paste in an iron can 800 gr Chi Chi Las with the highest quality is produced […]
July 11, 2021

Tinned tomato paste 17000 grams Chi Chi Las

Tinned tomato paste 17000 grams Chi Chi Las Tomato paste 17 kg. with special quality and amazing and cheap price is supplied in bulk by the […]
May 25, 2021

Buy export glass tomato paste

Buy export  glass tomato paste The producer of glass tomato paste is Company Food Industry khazar osare varna with the best and most modern mechanized devices […]
May 24, 2021
رب ساشه

sashe tomato paste 70 gr. chi chi las

sashe tomato paste 70 gr. chi chi las Maybe if you heard the name Sashe for the first time, you would not guess that Sashe is […]
May 24, 2021


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